heartbreak hotel

10.13.03 @ 6:05 p.m.

This struck me as quite funny, back when Martha sent it to me last week.

There's a surprise party in the works, which shall be interesting. But I shan't elaborate for now. Helium may well be purchased though! How exciting.

I wrote a flurry of emails to Martha today, mostly responding to things she wrote to me but also to tell her this little quote out of Moon (p. 206):

Roger earned himself the nickname "Auntie Daltrey" for being "a bit of an old woman," according to the Hermits' bass player Karl Green...
This is funny, because this is, oh, 1967 and we are agreed that Roger has poofy old lady hair in several pictures from that period. I've also threatened to expose Martha to the bit from TKAA where Keith Moon strips down to his underwear. (This sparked by an email telling me of a new U2 book that promised to reveal band tension growing from Bono 'accidentally' wearing Larry Mullen's underwear.

Or something like that.

No Who Boy today, which was disappointing but I am trying to make myself not be a twit and so I didn't make a big deal over it. Hurrah for me. Right now it's fucking cold in the house, though, so I need to get up, figure out if any windows are open, then turn on at least one of the heaters.

Anyway. I read a lot of Moon today and got assigned a paper for Classics. Thrilling.

Oh, well, actually, I went to Rock History as well, which is always very interesting indeed. (I'm all faux british but can't figure out why at the moment.) Today was more Elvis. My feelings went something like this:

"Heartbreak Hotel" and "Hound Dog": Hmm, yeah, this is actually pretty good, why do I always say I don't like Elvis? I like the beat to this, the mix of country and R&B. I like this better than Big Mama Thornton's "Hound Dog"... the blues is so slow and has some quality that irritates me, but this is rather nice (apart from the one copy of I forget which song which was clearly downloaded, because with my freakish-sounds-only-dogs-can-hear hearing, there was this hideous high, fluctuating tone and it made me feel like I was getting coded messages from aliens (how apropos with Elvis, eh?) that no one else could hear), catchy, yeah, alright. Early rock, uh, rocks.

"Don't Be Cruel": Oh yeah. This isn't very good at all. No wonder I don't like this fella.

"Teddy Bear": AAAAAAAAGGGGH! HATE. HATE. (I think I actually grimaced through the entire song. Good thing it's only a minute forty-five. I was also hiding in my hair a bit.) I need a shot of emotional INSULIN this thing is so fucking saccharine. I think I actually have some old disney tapes somewhere that I won't watch because I look at them and "Teddy Bear" starts running through my head and the disgust is so great that I immediately put them down. Also, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU PUT A CHAIN AROUND A TEDDY BEAR'S NECK TO LEAD HIM ANYWHERE? I was completely infuriated.

"Burning Love": Ooh, okay, there are such things as acceptable Elvis songs.

Etc. "Burning Love" is the note we ended class on. I wonder if anyone noticed my changing facial expressions. I think the girl next to me noticed when I wrote HATE in big letters with a little arrow next to "Teddy Bear" in our little song lists. So I tried to be discreet with that page after that because I felt a bit of a dork. And I was being really catty about Mr. Presley in my notes. And yet it was so much fun. Heh. Oh, but Elvis performing to an actual (and extremely disinterested) hound dog on the Milton Burle show was quite funny.

I'm also trying to decide if it's totally uncalled for for me to suggest to my professor that he find a different piece of video for the Who next term, because he likes to use Monterey Pop, which I've been reading (and I've noticed) is possibly the worst Who performance put to film. It's not very good at all. There are things a thousand times better on The Kids Are Alright (specifically, I'm thinking of the Rock and Roll Circus peformance of "A Quick One While He's Away," which doesn't require the purchase of TKAA if one would rather have the more varied R&RC.

I'm very fond of acronyms.

I forgot that it was Columbus day. Or rather, Indigenous People's Day on our campus. The ampitheatre in the center of campus was usually manned by a bitter native american telling us were all horrible thieves (hey lady, I'm an insignifigant part Cherokee! So there!) and I had no problem with anything that was going on until I walked past the Pioneer Mother. Cowardly (because they chose the statue that was out of sight rather than the more prominent pioneer himself), they sprayed red paint at her feet so that it ran down like blood and "Indian Killer" was stenciled in the same red on the large pedestal she rests on. Elswhere, "Home" with trees was stencilled in blue on a sidewalk. People are such arrogant, disrespecful fucks. Now I have no respect for your battle because you've resorted to be so goddamn petty. *sigh* Why oh why are people so goddamn stupid?



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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