the kids *are* alright

10.02.03 @ 12:26 p.m.

Reason #147 why my friend Martha is completely cool:

Me (in an email): "So for the next couple of days I'm probably going to be babbling incoherently about The Who and/or Pete Townshend. Sorry."

Martha: "There's nothing to be sorry about."

See, because I focus so closely on things when I find a passion (90% of the time, it's a rock band), I tend to talk about little else and I'm sure that annoys the fuck out of my friends. I mean, I know how they feel because I've been on both ends. This makes me very happy to have friends like Candace, who has equal enthusiasm for Townshend and Martha who is tolerant and, if she's not genuinely interested, she pretends very well. I think she genuinely does like Keith Moon, though. So it's all good.

Also, she agreed with me that this image is adorable:

Now I'm going to try to plan a bus route to Fred Meyer to try to buy some jeans. *sigh* I hate shopping.

Edit: I forgot to mention that I dropped my CD player for the millionth time, which was apparently the charm because it's totally fucked up.



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