too much magic bus

05.23.03 @ 9:38 p.m.

It's a bad, bad pun if I start saying "Too Much Magic Bus" when I say that I have spent, uh, seven and a half hours, closer to eight on buses between Portland and Eugene in the last three days. UGH. Travel. Who needs it. But now I am home and one would think I'd be happily comfortable, but my mom is entertaining a former housemate from her days at Berkeley which is very odd, as we never have people at the house. So I feel just totally in the way and awkward. Add to this just a general depressed ennui that overtook me after dinner. I ended up wandering around the driveway in the sultry dusk knowing that I wanted to find some little corner to be off by myself, but not knowing where exactly that corner might be. Normally, I'd consider going down to the creek, which might as well be another world, it's so detatched from the rest of the farm. But Mom says it's rife with poison oak and I daren't go as I've never had it before and who wants to start now?

So Dad came out and found me kind of standing aimlessly next to his new pickup ("Don't put your foot on the car! Not even the tire! Those jeans don't have rivets, do they?" God he's anal about that stupid car) and was somewhat sympathetic of my bored aimlessness. He handed me Jubee, who is one of the kennel dogs who happens to like me more than the others do and told me to take her for a walk. She was super-skinny last year and now has kind of gotten chunky. She's lost some of her lithe grace. Dad said he's thinking of breeding her for some pets... which is to say non-show quality dogs. She's got great temperment, she's the nicest dog you'll find, though she's high energy. The walk was sedate and fairly peaceful. It distracted me. I talked to the dog the whole time, who kept stopping to eat grass. She's a darling dog.

But I'm still feeling ennui-ish. I was kind of glad to have Mom focus on me for a while while her guest was on the phone.

Oh, they're back now, and they come bearing ice cream. Marion Berry pie. Not my favorite, and, eh, I ate three powdered raspberry filled doughnuts today. Naughty girl. And my back itches--I think something bit me on my walk. Ick.



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