quizzy mcquizterson

02.03.03 @ 2:21 p.m.

I spent three hours of this afternoon asleep (if you count falling asleep at 10:50 as 'afternoon'), and I'm still a little fuzzy. Did I mention I made a moron mistake in photography last night and ruined all my classy pictures of Deady Hall? Now I have to buy more film and reshoot them, I dunno, tomorrow or something. I'm stealing this from Liz because I'm too lazy to do anything original.


Name: Ellen

Sex: female

Birthday: December 21, 1982

Height: 5'4" or 5", I don't really know.

Hair Color: dark blonde, almost light brown, sometimes reddish in the right light.

Eye Color: blue

Eye Color of Choice: I don't know what this means.

Writing Hand: right


Nervous habits: chewing my hair (eew, gross, right? When I get nervous a lock of hair finds it's way to my mouth. At least I don't get hairballs like a cat...)

Do you bite your nails?: Only when one breaks and I'm worried it'll snag on something

Are you double jointed?: no

Can you roll your tongue?: yes

Can you blow smoke rings?: never tried

Can you blow spit bubbles?: never tried

Can you cross your eyes?: yes. I've also got mad skillz when it comes to Magic Eye (stereographic) images.

On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? Less than $10, usually less than $5

What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: There is no jewelry I always wear.

Favourite Piece of Clothing: Currently, either my NaNoWriMo shirt or my Darth Vader "Who's Your Daddy?" shirt.

Favourite Pajamas: my blue pajama pants and whatever b-list t-shirt I have around.


Do you wind your spaghetti or cut it?: wind, I guess, but not in that fancy, anal, perfect way.

Have you ever eaten Spam?: ummm, no. far too picky.

How often do you brush your teeth?: twice a day, usually

How often do you shower/bathe? every morning, unless I oversleep horribly, in which case I have to wait until I get back from class.

How long does your shower last? about 10-20 minutes, longer when I have all the time in the world.

Hair drying method: hair dryer. My hair dries all wonky when it dries on it's own.

Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? never has a chemical touched this hair.

What colours has your hair been? well, it was very pale blonde when I was a toddler, and it's been darkening ever since.

If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink from it? eh, 20 hasn't been bad to me.

Do you paint your nails? I haven't in at least a year, but I do own temperature sensative nail polish


Do you swear? a bit. Not as much now as when I was in Saunders' class, but fuck is still a part of my vocabulary.

Do you ever spit? No, I'm a layyy-dy.


Actor/Actress: Colin Firth/Jennifer Ehle

Food: Korean Beef and rice lately.

Month: November

Day: Thursday (Rock n Roll class, history discussion (it's actually *interesting* for once), CSI is on, etc.)

Cartoon: Pinky and the Brain was possibly the best cartoon in the history of cartoondom. Just the other day I was reminiscing about the Mousarishi episode that made fun of John and Yoko.

Shoe Brand: Er, I'll say Adidas because I once went on a mulitday quest to find shoes like Micky's in Head.

Subject in school this semester: History of Rock n Roll

Colour: blue (Gee, bet you couldn't tell from my layout or anything...)

Person to talk to online: Rachel Rene or Slavik

offline friend: Martha

Body part on/in you?: I've always thought my hands are nice.

Movie: the BBC production of Pride and Prejudice

Holiday: Thanksgiving

Magazine: Star Wars Insider (I'm a huge geek)

Vacationing Spot: the beach w/ my friends or Los Angeles, which provides a) relatives, b) The Huntington Library and The Getty Museums and c) an opportunity to see Rachel.

Thing To Do In The Summer: walk dogs, wallow in the coolness of the kitchen on a hot day (it's partially underground, nice and cool)

Thing To Do In The Winter: huddle near the fireplace, read, and dink around online.

Perfume or Cologne: most give me a headache, but I like Exlamation Noir...

TV Station: FX feeds my M*A*S*H addiction, VH1 gives me the Daydream Believers movie to yell at and late night videos to watch at the beach, and the best is that channel 12 in Portland has had Perry Mason on at noon (and now at 1!) for longer than I've been alive. I think it's a world record for a single show in a single timeslot.

The CD Player: What, is this 'what's in your CD player' ? Hard to tell. Mine's being a bitch right now and refusing to read a bunch of my CDs, not just The Who anymore. Right now it's got the first two Monkees albums in it and the Beatles' Rubber Soul.

Person you talk most on the phone with: Phone evil. I only call my parents.

Ever taken a cab? Yes, last August when an anti-Bush protest shut down the MAX train in Portland and I almost missed my flight to L.A.

Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? I did when I got my hair cut a while back. It made me very vain.

Do you use an alarm clock? Yes. I can't make myself wake up. I can't actually remember it going off today, either.

Name one thing you are obsessed with: The Who

Ever sunbathed nude? no

Window seat or aisle? aisle. I like *space*

A movie that can ALWAYS make you laugh: Ooh, I don't know. A Hard Day's Night and Help! are always good, ooh, and Hairspray!

A movie that can ALWAYS make you cry: Guh, I am ashamed of how easily I cry sometimes. To highlight my weirdness, I'll say Titanic and explain that I have a fascination with the boat and, fuck Kate and Leo, I was sad to see a beautiful ship destroyed. (and the tragic loss of human life blah blah blah). Books are better at making me cry than movies.

Your three ultimate comfort foods: Chicken ramen with cheese, chocolate, Mike and Ike candies.

Three teachers/professors who impacted your life POSITIVELY: Ben Saunders [Shakespeare], Ken Struckmeyer [11th grade history], Tony Hackenbruck [Art, Ceramics, Photography, Humanities, oh, Hack is the best.]

Three teachers/professors who impacted your life NEGATIVELY: Naomi Zack [instilled violent hatred of Philosophy], Ros Lund [simply psychopath], and Mr. Keller [6th grade math, misogynistic jerk]

Name three life-altering events from your past: I don't think I've had 'life-altering' events.

A song that makes you feel good every time you hear it: dozens, but I'll limit myself to Nesmith's "Papa Gene's Blues" off the Monkees' first album.

A song that brings back painful memories every time you hear it: mmm, nope, can't think of any.

A TV show you absolutely loathe: Ally McBeal and I'm sure there are others.

A TV show you love so much people question your sanity: The Monkees

The band/musical group/singer that you think you would be best friends with if you met them: What, best friends? I guess I'll say the Monkees because I'm guilty of fanfic involving them.

The celebrity that you think you would be best friends with if you met him/her: I agree with Liz, who just becomes "best friends" with a celebrity? But I would like to hang out with Conan O'Brien.

One person who had a great effect on you but is no longer in your life: Umm, can't think of anyone.

A few more questions...

Would you rather re-live the first time you had your heart broken or the first time you failed at something very important to you? I've never had a broken heart, really, and I can't think of any massive failures. Don't I lead a charmed life, then?

Would you rather re-live your most emotionally painful experience or your most physically painful experience? I can't think of any serious pain I've been in, so I'll pick it.

If you had three wishes and they had to be selfish, non-World Peace type wishes, what would you wish for?

-Better social skills
-Great artistic talent
-Freedom from responsibility



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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