i cannot manage time

10.30.02 @ 4:45 p.m.

I am bloody useless, did you know that? I can't make myself do anything, which means that once it's officially November, I'll be kind of fucked. I mean, I have 1) a response paper due on Nov. 1st, 2) another response paper due before the end of the term, 3) likely a 10-12 page research paper or possibly a performance but that's doubtful, 4) a midterm on Nov. 15th, 5) an oral exam in Italian on Monday, 6) God knows what else, but I'm sure it's horrifically difficult and time consuming. Fuck, fuck, there's a journalism project due next Friday. I need to not forget that. I should theoretically do it this weekend but it seems I'm going to Corvallis after all. Wussed out on bugging S- again. Stupid big loser. (Me, I mean, not S-.)

Allison was supposed to come over and study Italian with me an hour ago. I'm not upset that she did not. Not that it would kill me to spend more time studying, I just didn't feel like reporting the progress of the day to her. I'm so EXHAUSTED and I have no idea why. I just got so tired after Journalism (boring, boring speaker) and then I had History discussion after lunch and it's not exactly thrill a minute, if you get my drift. Oh, but I did get 100% on my J midterm. Yay me. Well, I got 94% but he's tacking 6% on to make up for the fact that the Jcomm website was down the whole weekend before the test, which sucked, because we were supposed to use it to study and it meant we could NOT. But apparantly I guessed my way through it. Ahh, multiple choice. I'm still so tired. I wanted to nap, I really did. But I couldn't do it. I would have slept all the way up to Shakespeare time and it does not behoove me to go to class looking like I just dragged myself out of bed. (Last time I took a nap was my encounter with the "Gee, you look tired" guy.) So I watched part of Harry Potter, but once it got to Potions I just couldn't bear it. I don't know why.

So I've pissed around on the interent for the last, oh, two hours. I'm listening to some Nesmith, too. God, his voice just kills me. It's so beautiful.

I'm cold. I'm very very cold. Probably 'cause it's freezing outside and E* left the damn window open all day long. Oooh, damnit, being tired is making me bitchy. Damn damn double damn. This is not looking like a good evening.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
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