academic summary

10.01.02 @ 11:07 a.m.

So, I realize that I made no report on my first day of school. I must remedy this situatuion!

So, first is Italian. Molto bene. I'm very happy with Italian so far, and as a little plus, Allison across the hall is in the class with me, so we walked back and forth together today. We have plans to practice together, plus I guess another girl in the hall is in a different Italian class. 'Tsall good.

History was bloody well packed and it looks as though there will be a high boredom index in this class. I had a hard time concentrating on the introductory speech, though it was after all an introductory speech. Those are rarely exciting.

Journalism is also a very popular class. Smooshed full of people. I had a hard time finding a seat at first and several people who arrived later had to sit on the stairs along the side. There are many more people in that class than are registered for it. I can't wait until the ranks thin out a little.

My bestest best class of all of yesterday was Shakespeare. I'm in a fair way to have a massive crush on my teacher, you see. He's lovely British and quite dryly hilarious. I laughed so hard at one point last night that I nearly started crying. It was brilliant. He said 'fuck' a lot. We're focusing on Sex and Violence and we're going to watch Seven and Fight Club... Ooh, I'm so excited. My only wish is that it weren't so late at night. There's an eerie silence to Straub hall. But Saunder's ranting filled that quite well. He's not unattractive, with dark hair which is tipped with red. He's kind of got a little bit of the Mike Nesmith skinnyness going. My only problem is keeping my faux British accent from coming out. This happens to me, I pick up accents. When I watch a lot of Monkees I go all Nez Texan. When I watch tons of Python or Pride and Prejudice, I go completely British for at least a day. Must... repress... artificial... Britishness. He talked about how Shakespeare was concerned with pop culture when he wrote the plays and that he spent the last ten years of his life "buying a big house in Stratford and not even thinking about writing fucking English Literature." There was also a delightful rant about reality TV being porn for people who are too young to buy porn, and how he had to get rid of cable because the Real World was giving him body image issues. Fan-fucking-tastic. I have a feeling I'm going to love this class, so long as I can handle the workload. *girlish squeal* Prof. Saunders is so cool! Okay, see why I seem to think I'm in a fair way for crushage? I'm enamoured of Britishness. You know, I've said that he sounds like Hugh Grant, but he really doesn't. I can't place who he sounds like. Damn. But the accent is familiar. Double damn.

Other than that, I've only had Italian again and I'll have yoga in an hour and a half. That's all for today, except I have to do my journalism and history reading and my Italian homework. I also need to get some food. I'm thinking maybe an early lunch... it's 11:30 and maybe the cool eateries will be relatively empty. Don't want to have too full a stomach for yoga.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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