you would think the scooby doo gang would stop believing in ghosts after the billionth old man unmasking.

09.26.02 @ 3:02 p.m.

I guess I haven't written anything substantial in a couple of days. As it is, I really shouldn't be writing now. See, I completely fucked up my financial aid and I'm supposed to be trying to fix it. The phone was busy busy busy so I couldn't get through that way, so now I'm going to try an email. I am going to tell a little white lie and say I tried calling twice, when I only called once. Or is it a lie if I called the wrong place and they gave me a different number to call? I did call Eugene twice, just... well, I'm sure you get the point.

Oh, this is just fantastic. I'm watching vintage Scooby Doo and seeing Fred and Daphne frugging is just so funny. I love the groovy sixties theme music. Man, a cartoon with a LAUGH TRACK. It doesn't get much better than that! God, I love the 1960s. There's a little girl dog that supposedly is attracted to Scooby, but... she's a tenth his size! Eugh. So funny, the dog even has a little sixties flip hairstyle.

More and more, I fit my dad's silly little hypothesis, that I'm the reincarnation of someone who died as a teenager in 1968 or something. I do prefer '60s TV and music and in some respects, dress.

A book I have on writing talks about practice practice practice... and I suppose that this diary is kind of a good writing exercise. Somehow, it's easier to keep up a steady journal/diary/place of random thoughts on my computer than in a notebook. I might use one of my Todd Oldham composition books from Target for just writing exercises, whatever pops into my head. Probably fanfic, but not limited to the Monkees as usual. Maybe some P&P fic.

What's sad is that I'm considering asking for a copy of What Jane Austen Ate and What Charles Dickens Knew: Facts of Life in 19th Century England for birthday/christmas. (I come up with one list since my birthday is in December, December 21st.) I am such a geek.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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