not just a party, it was a par-tay

08.15.02 @ 12:29 a.m.

I had a much better than expected time tonight. Normally I hate hanging out with Jo's drama geek friends, but I had an utterly fantastic time. Yay!

I suppose I could be more clear. Tonight was Jodi's going away party, because she's off to Colorado again on Friday. For all that it was Jo's party, I didn't spend a whole lot of time actually talking to her. I would have left about an hour ago, but her brother insisted I stay until midnight at least. Kory really is a sweet kid. I asked him about his summer and told him about my upcoming California trip. But most of the night was spent lying on the grass on Jodi's lawn watching the sky for meteors. I was lying for a while between Lindsey Janson (whom I was friends with for a brief period my junior year--she's a year older) and J.D., a former student of my mom's. It was really fun. There was also a girl named Margie who ended up taking J.D.'s spot when he got up to use the bathroom. We looked at the stars and had a lengthy discussion about a particular group of stars that Lindsey thought looked like a boob (there was a tremendously long conversation involving impersonations of astronomers saying things like "By Jove, it's a boob!" and a lot of use of the word 'nipple'). I laughed a lot. I furnished Star Wars information to Paul O., who most of my friends think is a total ass. I usually agree, though he was okay today. We talked about Monty Python a bit, too. The lawn conversations, though... those are the kind of friends I want.

I'm watching Conan now, and I think that I would love to go see Conan. If I went to New York (Conan is in NY, yes?), I would totally go to see Conan. You know what I'd really like to do? (Maybe I can if I ask Eileen since I'm going to L.A.... Hmmm...) I'd like to go to a taping of Whose Line Is It Anyway?. That would rock! Rock like a pirate ship on stormy seas! Arrrgh, matey! I'm all excited about Conan tonight because Jeremy Northam is on, and god do I love love love Jeremy Northam. *sigh* Mr. Knightly! *swoon swoon* He's totally on my list. What list is that, you may ask? Why, my list of hot hot guys I love.

Mike Nesmith, Mike Palin, Jeremy Northam, Colin Firth, Nezjr (the code name for a hot boy I used to know), Ewan McGregor, James Dean, George Harrison circa AHDN and Help! (pre-facial hair George), Jon Stewart, Jimmy Fallon... I can't think of any more right now. Alan Rickman teeters on the edge. I do love Col. Brandon, but not Snape or his Galaxy Quest character. Ooh, the guy who plays Wickham in P&P is nice looking, but not cool enough for my list.

Ooh, thinking of Austen movie actors, I saw the guy who plays Bingley in the BBC Pride and Prejudice on Mystery!'s Murder Rooms: The Dark Origins of Sherlock Holmes. He played a guy who bought a bogus mummy and ended up hanging himself in shame. It was so cool! I didn't even recognize him at first, but my mom said something. Crispin Bonham-Carter. Helena's cousin.

I'm getting a fucking annoying wart on my thumb checked out tomorrow. Here's hoping that they can get rid of that. I've had it since before my brother's first wedding. It's eeeeeevil. I think maybe it's trying to overtake my hand (via the thumb, naturally) and kill me in my sleep.

Okay, bye for now.

If the evil wart doesn't kill me in my sleep, that is. Oh yes, I know what it's up to. It thinks I can't hear it plotting, planning, but I know. Oh, I know.

By the way, I'm not really psycho, I'm trying to be funny. So don't bother sending mental health professionals my way. Okay? Okay.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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